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Recliner Comparison: Timeout Chair vs. Tokyo Stressless Highback Chair

06 Oct 2022

Sometimes the best seat in the house is that ol’ recliner you can sink into and stay a while. It might be your go-to spot where you can nap, watch an episode of your favorite show, or take a few moments to pause. Something that’s used so often should be well-made and always ready for you and your needs.


When typically thinking of a recliner chair, it’s possible your first thought is of one that leans on the bulkier side - you know, the kind that requires at least two people to lift and you hope fits through the doorway. Options like the Timeout Chair from Conform and the Tokyo Stressless Highback Chair are a little different. In fact, you may not initially think of either as a recliner, but that might be one of their best-kept secrets.


Timeout vs. Tokyo Stressless: Which recliner chair is right for you?


The true answer to this question is going to come down to your own preferences. These chairs take on a more modern approach, sitting higher up off the ground on a star-shaped base. Another one of their more notable features is they come with separate ottomans, which you don’t typically see with a standard recliner.


While these features might give you a good idea of which one you like better, let’s take a look at each recliner separately to help paint a better picture.


Timeout Chair: Features and benefits



It’s almost like the Timeout Chair is just waiting for someone to sit down and enjoy its comforts. A lever conveniently placed underneath one of its arms lets you recline and melt into the chair’s softness, and you have the freedom to adjust the headrest and backrest to your liking. The chair also swivels with the ability to return to its original position when you get up.


Design-wise, you’ll notice that the base of the Timeout Chair (and its matching ottoman) is wood for a stylish contrast to its leather upholstery. Subtle curves soften its look yet it still appears classy and elegant.


If you’d prefer a lighter leather color, the Timeout Chair (with the ottoman) is available in taupe. For those who want something entirely different, it can also come in a variety of fabrics.


Tokyo Stressless Highback Chair: Features and benefits



As far as looks go, the Tokyo Stressless has a slimmer silhouette compared to the Timeout Chair. There are several leather color options and two base finishes for you to choose from so you can coordinate with your existing furniture and decor.


The Tokyo is designed with BalanceAdapt™ for subtle rocking motions that move with your body while the Plus™-System gives your neck and back the support and relief they need. It has a padded back cushion for added comfort, and you can make adjustments to the neck cushion until it feels just right.


Pick your perfect recliner


The Timeout and Tokyo recliner chairs are great options, and there’s really no right or wrong answer to which one you should choose. You just need to think about what you want in a recliner, then try them out.


You can find these recliners in our following design centers:



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